
"Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest." ~ Goethe
The desire to adorn ourselves may well be innate.  What is the appeal?  Does the cool feel of metal and the glitter of stones reach through civilization and into the subconscious brain, reminding of days when the far-off glitter of light on water meant survival? Of the days when a bear claw hung on leather thong spoke of physical prowess and great courage? Our focus is on jewelry as personal adornment and personal statement — to be enjoyed for its design. The design is of greater importance than the intrinsic value of the components. 

Amulet comes from the Latin amuletum and refers to an object that possesses the protective function to ward off the unwanted. 

Talisman comes from the Greek telesma meaning consecrated or sacred object and is used to conjure an element that empowers its wearer.